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Pfeffermann Danny (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute, UK)
Comments on "Probability vs. Nonprobability Sampling: From the Birth of Survey Sampling to the Present Day" by Graham Kalton
Statistics in Transition, 2023, vol. 24, nr 3, s. 23-26, bibliogr. 7 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Badania ankietowe, Big Data, Analiza danych, Badanie Internetu
Questionnaire survey, Big Data, Data analysis, Internet survey
Professor Kalton emphasizes the issue of representative samples. In my view, probability samples and obviously nonprobability samples are practically never representative, even if balanced in advance on certain control (covariate) variables. A major reason for this is nonresponse, which might be "not missing at random" (NMAR), in which case the response probabilities depend on the target study variable, even after conditioning on known covariates. However, even in the case of simple random sampling and complete response, the actual sample may not be representative with respect to the unknown study variables, simply because of the randomness of the sample selection, unless the sample size is sufficiently large. (fragment of text)
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Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie
Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
Pełny tekst
  1. De Leeuw, E. D., Suzer-Gurtekin, Z. and Hox, J., (2018). The Design and Implementation of Mixed Mode Surveys. In Advances in Comparative Survey Methodology. Wiley, New York.
  2. Kim, J. K. and Zhonglei Wang, (2008). Sampling Techniques for Big Data. International Statistical Review, 87, pp. 177-191.
  3. Pfeffermann, D., (2015). Methodological Issues and Challenges in the Production of Official Statistics. The Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology (JSSAM), 3, pp. 425-483.
  4. Pfeffermann, D. and Sverckov, M., (1999). Parametric and Semi-Parametric Estimation of Regression Models Fitted to Survey Data. Sankhya, 61, pp. 166-186.
  5. Pfeffermann, D. and Sikov, A., (2011). Imputation and Estimation under Nonignorable Nonresponse in Household Surveys with Missing Covariate Information. Journal of Official Statistics, 27, pp. 181-209.
  6. Rao, J. N. K., (2021). On making valid inferences by integrating data from surveys and other sources. Sankhya B, 83, pp. 242-272.
  7. Rivers, D., (2007). Sampling for Web Surveys. Joint Statistical Meetings, Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods.
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