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Chojnacka Małgorzata (Academy of Jakub from Paradyż in Gorzów Wielkopolski)
In Search of Excellence in Organizational Strategy Formation in the Context of Deterministic Chaos: the Case of Grupa Azoty
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska, 2023, z. 172, s. 89-107, tab., bibliogr. 68 poz.
Tytuł własny numeru
Współczesne zarządzanie = Contemporary Management
Słowa kluczowe
Strategia biznesowa, Organizacja
Business strategy, Organisation
Grupa Azoty SA

Purpose: This article addresses the challenge of creating an excellent strategy under nonlinear conditions, focusing on understanding the unique features and values of the 2021-2030 strategy. The framework for shaping the organization's future is presented through the case of Grupa Azoty Capital Group's strategy.

Project/methodology/approach: To achieve this goal, a literature review and examination of the selected strategy were conducted. Grupa Azoty served as an autotelic case study. The research method employed allowed for a depiction of the analysed unit. The case study offers potential for adequately achieving the set boundaries of knowledge, which is particularly important in an era of nuanced phenomena. The choice of research methodology was dictated by the need to examine a specific group of organizations and the subject of interest, enabling the identification of unique features and values of the analysed Capital Group. The conceptual elements of the case were diagnostic (how is it?), symptomatic (why is it so?), and intervention- related (what to do?).

Findings: It was recognized that the challenge of today's world lies in the constant redefinition of fundamental truths, given that the era of continuity and high predictability of the environment has ended. The importance of social, technological, and environmental determinants and their impact on organizational strategy formation was acknowledged. The case study revealed several changes that needed to be implemented for the Capital Group's development. Grupa Azoty's 2021-2030 strategy confirms the priority of climate and energy transformation, the necessity for investment in innovation, and the importance of environmentally friendly solutions and products.

Limitations/research implications: Future research on the influence of the environment on organizational strategy formation seems justified. Efforts to verify the level of achievement of intended goals also appear appropriate. Moreover, it is valuable to explore the performative dimension of the strategy on Grupa Azoty's employees and stakeholders.

Practical implications: Individuals responsible for improving organizational strategy should continue to monitor emerging development perspectives in the environment. Regulatory changes resulting from the European Union's intentions, which aim to achieve beneficial social effects through establishing a set of sustainable development goals, warrant particular attention. The actions of the EU (the directives and regulations it creates) can significantly influence the strategy of a specific enterprise.

Pełny tekst
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