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Barszczewski Michał (Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland)
How Institutions are Related to Agriculture? Systematic Literature Review
Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 2024, vol. 8, nr 1, s. 21-38, wykr., bibliogr. 63 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Rolnictwo, Instytucje, Gospodarstwa rolne, Systematyczny przegląd literatury
Agriculture, Institutions, Arable farm, Systematic literature review
In this paper, the author reviews the literature on institutions and their relations with agricultural economics. The aims of the article are to clarify the definition of an institution, indicate its relevance from the perspective of agricultural economics and propose a method of institution classification. Using the PRISMA method, 35 articles were selected out of 238 articles from the Web of Science database that met the established requirements (i.e. they were simultaneously related to institutions, economic performance and the agricultural sector). Based on the identified articles as well as the preliminary literature review it can be con-cluded that there is a lack of research that precisely defines institu-tions and examines the historical context at the same time. There are not many papers in which authors assess relations between institutions. Furthermore, authors rarely associate directly with any theory, especially with institutionalism or new institutional economics. That may be a pragmatic approach, but at the same time results are less comparable with other papers written in the same manner. The contribution made by this article is a synthetic presentation of the issue of institutions in agricultural econom-ics and a  classification of institutions, with an indication of which type of institutions will be viable when assessing the relations of institutions with the farming sector.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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