- Autor
- Reinwald Raphael (University of Gdańsk, Poland)
- Tytuł
- Sovereign Debt and Inflation - Did We Tame the Ghost? Debt in Times of Crisis and Its Cointegration with Inflation
- Źródło
- International Business and Global Economy, 2020/2021, nr 39, s. 20-38, bibliogr. 88 poz.
Biznes Międzynarodowy w Gospodarce Globalnej - Tytuł własny numeru
- Competitiveness and Economic Development - Macroeconomic Aspects and Challenges
- Słowa kluczowe
- Dług publiczny, Inflacja, Kryzys finansowy, Recesja gospodarcza, Model wektorowej korekty błędem
Public debt, Inflation, Financial crisis, Economic recession, Vector error correction model (VECM) - Uwagi
- Klasyfikacja JEL: C5, E5, E5, H5, N1
summ. - Abstrakt
- With sovereign debt levels at record highs in western democracies - a problem exacerbated by the pandemic - the world faces the question of induced rising inflation on the horizon. This article presents a comprehensive review of literature about the most severe world economic crisis in the 20th and 21st centuries - the great depression and the great recession - as well as the debt levels preceding and following them. Furthermore, it investigates root causes of inflation and its connection with sovereign debt in developed economies. Finally, applying a vector error correction model, it shows the existence of a cointegrating relationship between debt and inflation in the US (and a positive sign of the former on the latter), confirming a moderate macroeconomic correlation between the two. Hence, despite the long period of high debt and low inflation fueling a recent-experience bias, the answer to question posed in the title is negative. The conclusion is that without substantial debt reduction over time, the (Western) world economies will again see a rising inflation regime. Informed and independent central banks are therefore ever-more important.(original abstract)
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- Bibliografia
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- https://doi.org/10.26881/ibage.2021.39.02