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Kołbyko Patryk (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland)
Application of a Single-equation SARIMA Model for Short-term Conditional Forecast (Projection) of CPI Price Dynamics in Poland
Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 2024, vol. 8, nr 1, s. 128-157, wykr., tab., bibliogr. 58 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Modele SARIMA, Dynamika cen, Prognozowanie cen, Polityka pieniężna
SARIMA models, Price dynamics, Prediction of prices, Monetary policy
The aim of the article is to construct an optimal SARIMA model for short-term conditional forecasting (projection) of the dynamics of prices expressed by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), as understood within the extended Box-Jenkins procedure. The construction of such a forecast aims to influence, through the expectations channel, the institutional trust of society in monetary authorities and assess the effectiveness of achieving the monetary policy goal within the framework of the democratic responsibility of the decision-making body of the National Bank of Poland - the Monetary Policy Council. The selection of the optimal SARIMA model was carried out using an iterative method within the Box-Jenkins procedure, with the goal of reducing the systematic bias of estimators - coherence with empirical data. The analysis was conducted on compiled secondary data of the monthly Consumer Price Index for goods and services from the Central Statistical Office for the years 2010-2023 (on a monthly basis). Results show that the short-term forecast demonstrated accuracy within a specified confidence interval. The application of the SARIMA model serves as a useful methodological tool for constructing elaborate DSGE models (for example, the NECMOD model) using procedures such as SEM (System for Averaging Models) from Norges Bank.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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