- Autor
- Zarębski Marek
- Tytuł
- Szanse rozwojowe małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw
Expansion Opportunities of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses - Źródło
- Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, 2002, T. 4, z. 5, s. 214-218, rys., bibliogr. 4 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Rozwój przedsiębiorczości, Wieś, Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa
Entrepreneurship development, Village, Small business - Uwagi
- synopsis, summ.
- Abstrakt
- Autor przeprowadził badania przedsiębiorczości pozarolniczej podmiotów gospodarczych na obszarach wiejskich regionu konińskiego, których celem było określenie możliwości rozwoju tych przedsiębiorstw, a w szczególności poznanie czynników ograniczających i stymulujących ich działalność.
The expansion opportunities of small and medium-sized business located on agricultural areas have been presented on the example of the Konin region. These expansion opportunities have been analysed in respective communes and have been classified by the four criteria: 1/ location in relation to the urban area (town and rural communes and purely rural communes, 2/ economic potential (four levels), 3/ functional and spatial types (six types) and by the degree of multifunctional development (five degrees). The biggest chances of survival on the Polish market have small and medium-sized businesses and the big ones have the smallest chances. Therefore, the thesis has been proved: the expansion opportunities of agricultural economic subjects are conditioned by capital resources, level of organisation and management, and by organisational and legal f arm. Expansion opportunities of businesses depend on the economic potential and multilevel development of communes. In small companies the level of the economic development of the commune influences the chances of survival of the business to a smaller extend than the degree of multifunctional development (local market). In case of medium-sized businesses the tendency is just the opposite. The economic potential exerts a bigger influence than the level of multifunctional development (cheap labour). Totally different is the case of the smallest businesses. The bigger the economic potential of the commune the smaller the chances are (low level of unemployment). These chances are increased if the degree of multifunctional development is enlarged (differentiated local market). (original abstract) - Dostępne w
- Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie
Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu - Bibliografia
- Gęsicka G. (1997): A Guide to Regional Investment Funds, Government Plenipotentiary Office for Pension Reform. Warsaw.
- Rais K. (2000): Business and economic development in central and eastern Europe: implications for economic integration into wider Europe. Brno.
- Karaszewski W., Wiśniewski J.W., Zarębski M. (1999): Business and economic development in central and eastern Europe. Torun.
- Zarębski M. (1995): Założenia systemowe ochrony polskiego rynku rolnego, Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Ekonomia XXV - Nauki Humanistyczno-Społeczne. Toruń, Z. s. 299, s. 99.
- Cytowane przez
- 1508-3535
- Język
- pol