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Sobków Czesław, Czarnecki Adam
Potencjalny wkład upraw topolowych w trwały rozwój rolnictwa i obszarów wiejskich
Potential Contribution of Poplars in Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, 2003, T. 5, z. 4, s. 293-297, bibliogr. 13 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Rozwój rolnictwa, Produkcja rolna, Strategie alternatywne, Rolnicza przestrzeń produkcyjna
Agriculture development, Agricultural production, Alternative strategy, Agricultural production space
Autorzy wprowadzają w zagadnienie upraw rolno-leśnych w sytuacji ograniczania produkcji żywności, jak również w kontekście poprawy dochodowości gospodarstw rolnych i pojawienia się nowych wartości krajobrazowych.

Growing demand for food that was stopped lastly supported by upgrade technology used in agriculture, involved overproduction of traditional crops. Accompanied to it transformation of even marginal lands into crop fields caused simplification of landscape structure and as consequence deteriorated natural processes and environmental issues. In the same lime the internalization of total cost of input for food production made production more expensive. Degraded and naturally less fertile ground are abandoned and food production is limited by market regulation. It released a room for introducing into rural areas other then for food production land application. There is need for different crops application of agroforestry can combine marketing and non marketing profits for farmers. Among trees species poplars plantations seems to be adequate new crop for farms because it can be expected to provide range of benefits after relatively short time. By integrations of several functions some enhancements can be visible in landscape structure and performance of ecosystem within catchment's area as well in terms of income expected by farmers comparable with traditional crops. (original abstract)
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Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie
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