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Charakterystyka fizykochemiczna i technologiczna mięśni kaczek tuczonych przymusowo
The Physicochemical and Technological Characteristic of Muscles from Force-fed Ducks.
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu. Seria : Monografie i Opracowania (nr 145), 2002, nr 921, 136 s., rys., tab., bibliogr. 317 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Zmienna objaśniająca, Towaroznawstwo, Towaroznawstwo żywności, Hodowla drobiu, Technologia produkcji żywności, Produkcja żywności, Jakość produktów żywnościowych
Exogenous variable, Commodity science, Food commodities, Poultry farming, Food production technology, Food production, Quality of food products
Opracowanie zawiera badania własne autorki wykonane samodzielnie lub zespołowo w latach 1994-1998 w Katedrze Technologii Żywności Pochodzenia Zwierzęcego Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu dotyczące charakterystyki fizykochemicznej i technologicznej mięśni kaczek Mulard tuczonych przymusowo.

The aim of this work was the physicochemical and technological characteristic of muscles from force fed Mulard ducks. It was characterized the nutritive value and some functional properties of muscles. The breast and leg muscles from birds of both sex were examined. The investigations were carried out from the manufacturing point of view (whole muscles or coarse- particle products). The aim was realized by determination of: the basic chemical and amino acid composition of muscles, fatty acids composition and cholesterol content in lipids from muscles and subcutaneous fat. Among the technological properties were investigated: colour by sensory and instrumental methods, water holding capacity, water retention capacity after heating, free water content, cooking losses, the gelling properties of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins, the sensory profile and rheological properties of roasted muscles. The total heam pigments content and their composition (content of mio-, oxy and metmyoglobin) was determined in order to explain the causes of differences in raw meat colour. There were determined amino acids composition of myofibrillar proteins and ATP-ase activity of myosin in order to explain, if the causes of differences in gelling properties of myofibrillar proteins from both kinds of muscles resulted from different structure of proteins. The thermal behaviour of breast (PM) and leg (SE) muscles (without and with added 2,5% NaCl) was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), too. Onset temperatures of transition (T0), maximum thermal transition (Tmax) and denaturation enthalpy (AH) were evaluated. The basic chemical composition of roasted muscles was determined in order to explain if differences in their sensory evaluation and rheological properties resulted from chemical composition. It was established, that the investigated breast and leg muscles from force fed Mulard ducks and drakes had a high level of proteins. The lipids content in the breast muscles of both sex was lower than in breast drake muscles force fed in France. They were characterized by higher content of proteins and lipids and lower content of water in comparison with the other species of ducks. The amino acids composition of meat proteins depended on kinds of muscles and sex. The methionine and tryptofan were amino acids, which limited the biological value of proteins. Except both of them, the meat proteins contained more exogenic amino acids than the FAQ standard. The proteins of drake breast muscles were characterized by higher biological value than in the case of ducks. The unsaturated fatty acids were predominant in fatty acids composition of lipids extracted from muscles and subcutaneous fat. The high unsaturated: saturated fatly acids ratio (U/S) manifested, that from the human nutrition point of view fatty acids composition of lipids from the investigated muscles and subcutaneous fat was favourable. The lipids extracted from leg muscles composed more unsaturated acids and were characterized by higer value of U/S ratio than lipids from breast muscles. The force feeding caused the higher content of C18:1 acid, and decreased the level of C18:2, C18:3, C20:4 acids in muscles. However the cholesterol content in breast and leg muscles and in subcutaneous fat from force fed ducks and drakes, did not increase and was on the same level as other species of ducks. (short original abstract)
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